Polaskia chende

Polaskia chende

(Photograph = Polaskia chende, Amante Darmanin)


Polaskia chende is a large columnar cactus that grows in central Mexico, especially in the states of Puebla and Oaxaca at 5,000 ft or higher. It may reach 15-ft tall and stems may be 2-ft across. The fruit is harvested.

The Details

P. chende is one of two species in the genus, the other is P. chichipe. P. chende has primitive features as cacti go, and is related to Stenocereus. Polaskia is a member of the Trichocereeae and is synonymous with Chichipia and Heliabravoa.

Plants branch many times, especially from near the base; thus, they send up many columns. The pale flowers may be 2- to 3-inches across, and the fruits are spherical 3- to 4-inches across. The fruits are consumed locally.

Wild and managed populations are used to provide fruit, and fruits from managed populations are larger but with thinner peels.

Additional Reading: Polaskia chende

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