Aloe capitata

Aloe capitata


Aloe capitata is a beautiful Aloe from Madagascar. It is peculiar in that its flowers open from the top downwards. Aloe capitata var. quartziticola is the most commonly encountered variety in gardens.

The Details

It is a perennial herb with a self-supporting growth form. It has a dense rosette of 10–25 fleshy leaves that are 50–70 cm long and 5–6 cm wide at their base. The leaves are gray-green to blue-green, but can turn pink to deep maroon in bright light. The leaves have sharp teeth along the margins and are milky blue-gray in cloudy conditions, turning purple-tinged with brighter exposure. 

Aloe capitata can survive mild freezes.

These photos were taken by Amante Darmanin.

Additional Reading: Madagascar Aloes