Dragon blood tree

Socotra (Soqotra) Island Succulents

(Picture = Dragon Blood Tree)


Socotra is a UNESCO-certified World Natural Heritage Site; it has three geographical terrains. There are coastal plains, limestone plateaus, and mountains.  The island is a Yemeni island politically, but it is an African island geologically. It is so removed from other land masses that its plants have evolved in isolation, and nearly a third of its plants are endemic. Thus, they are found nowhere else. Portions of the island are desert or semi-desert and many, unique succulents have developed.

The Details

The most famous plant of Socotra Island is the Dragon’s Blood Tree, Dracaena cinnabari. This tree has an unusual umbrella-like shape and red sap. The sap has been used as a dye and paint, a cosmetic, a varnish, and a medicine. Another strange plant is the elephant-legged bottle tree, Adenium obesum ssp. socotranum with thick pachycaul trunks and beautiful pink flowers. There is even a tree that represents the cucumber family, Dendrosicyos socotranus. Aloes and euphorbias abound.

Many of the plants of Socotra have evolved for eons in isolation and are unique. The present war in Yemen makes it difficult to survey the plants and to know if the environment is healthy. Perhaps future, more peaceful times will allow further exploration.

Additional Reading: Succulents Endemic to Soqotra