Aloe ferox

Aloe ferox


Aloe ferox is sometimes known as the bitter Aloe. It is a variable species. It is widespread in South Africa. It is one of the best-known South African plants with a long history of medicinal use.

The Details

A. ferox can reach 6-10 ft, and it is typically single-stemmed. Flowering is often from May to August, during the winter months.

The reddish-orange flowers attract sunbirds, weavers, glossy starlings, mousebirds, and other bird types that feed on its nectar. Many insects depend upon the species for sustenance. It occurs in a broad range of habitats as a result of the wide distribution range. It is common on rocky hill slopes, often in very large numbers, where it can create stunning winter displays. In the southwestern Cape it grows in grassy fynbos, and in the southern and Eastern Cape it may also be found on the edges of the karoo. A. ferox grows both in the open and in bushy areas. The plants may also differ physically from area to area.

Additional Reading: The Genus Aloe

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