Opuntia robusta, Kwentin Paventino



There are many Opuntia species south of the USA. Mexico has a multitude of species, many apparently unidentified.

The Details

Opuntia species are found throughout Mexico, the Caribbean Islands, Central America, and the many countries of South America. Just as in the United States, they are the most numerous group of cacti.

Opuntias grow in the many mountainous regions of Mexico, but also in tropical  and coastal areas. Some northern species cross the border and occur in both Mexico and the United States.

The variety of prickly pear species in Latin America is enormous. The most familiar species is O. ficus-indica, a large tree-like plant.  Small Opuntia species can be found, but none are reported that are as small as O. pusilla or O. fragilis, which occur in the United States. Many opuntias are the size of O. phaeacantha or O. dulcis.

O. sulphurea and its varieties is common throughout much of South America. It is a handsome plant with its twisted thick spines.

More reading: Seed Germination in Opuntia Streptacantha

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