Sansevieria downsii, Ton Rul


(Photograph = Sansevieria, Ton Rul)


There are 50 to 100 species  of Sansevieria found in Africa or Asia. They may have cylindrical or flat leaves and can reach 6- to 10-ft tall. Some species have attractively variegated leaves.

The Details

Sansevieria species tend to have hard (almost rock hard) leaves or flat but also tough leaves. The hard-leaved forms typically hail from arid or semi-arid areas. The hardness of the leaves is caused by a thick cuticle that prevents water loss. The toughness is due to multiple long fibers within the leaves. Flat-leaved species often come from more mesic areas such as jungles in Southeast Asia. Both leaf  types are indestructible and are part of why this plant is so easy to grow.

The leaves arise from a rhizome that is usually underground and are arranged in a rosette. Each rosette has 4-8 leaves. Flowers arise from a stalk at the base of the leaves.

As house plants, Sansevierias are durable and easy to care for. They tolerate low light levels, drought, flooding,  heat, and cold. They grow in most soils and are even bedding plants/perennials in areas with little to no frost. There are stories the plants have been passed down among generations because they are so long lived and durable.

Additional Reading: Sansevieria hyacinthoides