Delosperma, Not a Daisy

Delosperma sutherlandii, Dan Kristiansen

(photograph = Delosperma sutherlandii, Dan Kristiansen)


Some plants totally unrelated to daisies have flowers that appear to be daisies. However, Nature is full of surprises, and very different groups of plants can have flowers that resemble each other’s at first glance. One group of daisy mimics is the Mesembryanthemaceae.

The Details

The Mesembryanthemaceae is a family of succulent plants that are widespread in southern Africa. The family has many members that are generally small, often unique in shape, and which are tough, heat-loving, water-storing succulents.

One genus in the the Mesembryanthemaceae is Delosperma. These are small, succulent plants that form small ground covers. A few cold-tolerant forms are known as hardy ice plants, and they can grow in gardens in northern states.

Delosperma plants have flowers with lots of long, linear petals. The flowers look like daisies. But, when you study their evolution and micro-shape, the flowers lose all resemblance to daisies. The daisy look is only what you see on the outside.

Next time you see a daisy, maybe you will be looking at a daisy. But, perhaps you will be looking at Delosperma.

Additional Reading: Delosperma nubigenum

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