Pitaya flower bud, Shenghung Lin

Pitaya, Dragon Fruit

(Photograph = Pitaya flower bud, Shenghung Lin)


Dragon fruit (pitaya or pitahaya) is a tropical fruit produced by a cactus. It grows in many parts of the world, though it is most commonly grown in Asia. The fruit is for sale in many Asian-food markets.

The Details

There is a red pitaya and a yellow pitaya, Hylocereus costaricensis and H. megalanthas, respectively. Both are sweet. The most commonly encountered in American markets is the fruit of H. costaricensis (red fruit). The red type may have white or pink flesh.

The plants are “vine” cacti, meaning they need support to grow neatly. They clamber over shrubs and trees if left on their own. Often they grow from a single upright stem supported by a metal or wooden stake, and the branches splay out horizontally. Such plants look almost like umbrellas that have lost their covering.

Related Reading: Vine Cacti, Pitaya

One thought on “Pitaya, Dragon Fruit

  1. I had a drink in Spain a few years ago made from the fruit od the red pitaya. B very tasty. I’ve seen the fruit in a local grocery occasionally, and it’s rather pricey, but then even opuntia fruit is expensive in Massachusetts.

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